Black Pepper Roast Chicken 黑胡椒烤鸡腿

A quick and simple yet flavourful Black Pepper Roast Chicken that is perfect for busy days lunch and dinner. The meat is deliciously succulent and tender, the black pepper is not overpowering and kids-friendly, even my kid who does not eat hot/ spicy food loves this. 


Serving suggestions: This is versatile as it can be served Asian way with rice and veggies as side dishes or Western style with salads or bun.

Ingredients: 2 servings 

2 Chicken Legs (with skin, cut into half) 鸡腿 2个,切半

1 tsp Corn Flour 玉米粉/粟粉 1小匙

2 tbsp Black Pepper Sauce 黑胡椒酱 2汤匙
(any brand, adjust the seasoning accordingly 任何牌子都可以,自行调味)

2 tbsp Abalone Sauce 鲍鱼汁 2汤匙

1 tsp Castor Sugar 细砂糖 1小匙

1 tbsp Light Soy Sauce 酱油 1汤匙

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1. Wash and pat dry chicken with kitchen towel. Add in the rest of the ingredients, mix well with hand. Do a little massage to the chicken. (I normally wear glove when handling raw meat and seasoning). Cover and let marinate in the fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight for best flavour.

2. Remove the chicken from fridge. Transfer the chicken onto a lined baking tray. Reserve the sauce. Let it sit for 30 minutes or until return to room temperature. 
取出鸡肉, 放在一铺上油纸的烤盘,把多余的酱汁留着,放置30分钟或回室温。

3. Bake in a preheated oven 180'C for about 25 minutes, baste with the remaining sauce, bake for 10 minutes or until cook through. Serve warm.
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