Carrots, white beans and ginger soup ( Crema de zanahorias. jengibre y porotos)

Okay. We are closer to Autumn,  and Im really happy of it! 


Here in the day it is still hot but the nights are a delight. You're almost  feel cold..

But I know that those who wait for spring are happy and it's fine. Spring is lovely too.
I made this creamy soup a while ago (I love soups all year round ) but typical of mine I did not find where I had it.
Ordering yesterday I finally found it!
It is  delicious  and healthy (like many soups) and is very good with sliced almonds when served.
And I love ginger too !
With Esperanza my daughter we love soups.
I hope you enjoy it.
Much love!

Source : BBC Good food


1 tablespoon  oil
1 medium onion chopped
2 tablespoon grated ginger
2 garlic cloves sliced
1/2 tsp groun nutmeg
800 ml vegetable stock
400 grams carrots sliced
400 grams can cannellini beans
4 tablespoons almonds cut in slivers or flaked almonds


Heat the oil in a large pan, add the onion, ginger and garlic and fry  for 3 minutes until starting to soften. Stir in the nutmeg and cook for a minute more.

Pour in the stock , add the carrots and beans including the liquid from the tin, then cover and simmer for 20 minutes until the carrots are tender.

Scoop a third of the mixture into a bowl them blitz the remainder with a hand blender or in a food processor until smooth.
Return everything to the pan until bubbling.
Serve topped with the almonds.

Also you can process all the mixture with a blender and then  heat   and serve with almonds. If you like more creamy.

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en español

Sopa de zanahorias, porotos y jengibre 

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