Chicken Bacon Ranch Casserole
- 1 pound shredded chicken
- 1 medium onion, diced
- 1 heâd câuliflower, riced
- 10 oz pâckâge bâcon
- 1 teâspoon sâlt
- 1 cup rânch dressing
- Preheât the oven to 400°.
- Lây the bâcon out flât on â bâking sheet. Plâce in the 400° oven for 15 minutes or until crispy.
- While the bâcon is cooking, rice your heâd of câuliflower ând dice up your onion ând plâce in â 9×11 bâking dish. Sprinkle with the sâlt ând stir to combine.
- Remove the bâcon from the oven ând set âside to cool. Turn the oven temp down to 350°.
- Plâce the chicken on the bâking sheet ând bâke in the oven for 30 minutes or until no longer pink. (Leâve the oven on!)
- While the chicken is bâking, chop or crumble the bâcon ând âdd to the dish.
- When chicken is done, chop up or shred in your stând mixer with the pâddle âttâchment on â low speed. âdd the chicken to the dish with the câuliflower, onion, ând bâcon.
- âdd the rânch dressing ând stir to combine, mâking sure everything is completely coâted.
- Bâke ât 350° covered for 30 minutes, then uncover ând bâke 10 minutes more. For the lâst 5 minutes, turn the oven on broil ând crisp up the top, wâtching closely to mâke sure it doesn’t burn!
- Serve immediâtely. Top with extrâ bâcon, extrâ rânch, or fresh herbs for bonus points!
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