Cute Owl Teriyaki Pork Breakfast Sandwich 日式照烧酱肉片餐包(可爱猫头鹰造型)

Breakfast is a nutritious and adorable treats if you turn your ordinary sandwich into cute little owl. This owl looks exactly like me when I need to get up early on weekend...


Made with homemade bread, you can get my Bakery Style Soft Bread Recipe << HERE.
Filling is Teriyaki Shabu Shabu Pork, marinated overnight and cooked in the morning. Sandwich with peanut butter and fresh cucumber, this breakfast is not only nice to see, it taste super delicious! 


2 Soft Bread >> Bakery Style Soft Bread Recipe << TAP HERE FOR RECIPE 

Peanut Butter

Cucumber slices

Toasted Sesame Seeds


80g Shabu Shabu Pork Collar, shredded 

1/2 tsp Sugar

1/4 tsp Tapioca Flour

1 tsp Soy Sauce

1/2 tsp Sake

1/2 tsp Mirin

Dash of Pepper 

1/8 tsp Sesame Oil

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1. In a bowl, mix all filling ingredients, cover with cling wrap, let marinate in the fridge overnight.

2. Heat some oil in a pan, pan fry the marinated pork until fully cooked. Remove from heat.

3. Slice the bread into half. Use cheese and seaweed to add facial details, refer pictures below.

4. Spread some peanut butter on the bread, line some sliced cucumber, add Teriyaki pork and toasted sesame seeds, topped with owl bread and serve.

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