Figs and frangipane little tarts (tartas de higos y crema de almendras)
I love them. Honestly I bought figs several times until I could leave some to make the recipe.
Is a small tartlet with a frangipane cream and figs.
Really delicious.
Love for all of you and thanks by coming!
Adapted from : Delicious bites
Message May 11 2019
to all my friends and lovely people that stopping by here in my blog.
Some days ago I had a terrible fall in my garden.
And I have a fissure bone in my right shoulder, so by the moment only I make some little things.
I write and eat with my left arm but is not easy and still I have a lot of pain.
Send me prayers and good vibes because I hope not to have a shoulder surgery.
send you hugs and love and dont forget me.
(6 Tartlets)
130 grams almond meal
3 1/2 tablespoon all purpose flour
2 1/2 tablespoons caster sugar
75 grams very cold butter
1 tablespoon of water
80 grams unsalted butter
80 grams sugar
1 egg
1 yolk
80 grams almond meal
1 tablespoon all purpose flour
1tablespoon orange juice
1 teaspoon finely grated orange rid
1/4 apricot jam
6 figs sliced
thick cream to serve (optative)
For pastry
Put the almond meal, sugar and flour into food processor and whiz together until combined.
Add butter and whiz some more until it forms coarse breadcrumbs and add only a tablespoon of water to join all.
Press the dough into a ball and wrap in plastic. Put in fridge about 1 hour .
Preheat oven to 180° c (375° F) , Place the dough on a surface lightly dusted with some all purpose flour and roll out with a rolling pin. If you need add more flour to roll.
Grease 6 tartlet tin or ceramic pie dish . Line with the pastry.
If you have some problem with the dough just press the pastry with yours fingers. Put the tins or ceramic dishes in the fridge again while you preparing the filling.
Frangipane filling
Place the butter and caster sugar in a food processor and whiz to combine . Add the egg and yolk, the almond meal, the grated orange rind, all purpose flour and orange juice, then combine all.
Spoon 1 teaspoon of apricot jam over the base of the tart shells. Evenly divide the frangipane filling between the tarts and gently spoon over the jam. Place 2 or 3 fig slices onto the frangipane filling.
Place the tartlets onto a baking sheet and place on the middle shelf of the oven.
Bake at 180°c /375 °F for about 30 minuts or until the frangipane fillinghas slightly puffed and is golden brown.
The baking time will depend on your oven so start cheking after 20 minutes.
Remove the tray from the oven and let cool on a wire rack. You can glaze the tartlets with some warmed strained apricot jam.
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Tartas de higos y almendras
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