Lemon Curd: My way back to basic

It's almost 12 years since I started my blog in 2007, at that time I never known that there are so many things waiting for me.

A lot of friends that I met from social network (some of them became my best friends now), a lot of opportunities and yes, a lot of happiness too.
From the first blog that had only one photo (of whatever I made, because my camera couldn't keep the battery, haha, it would turn off after taking only 1 shot), to a blog with photos and video too. I still have a lot to learn and a load of recipes to make ^^.


But lately, I felt that I miss something, and you can call it inspiration !!!!! 
Finally I started to realize that what I miss most is taking photo of "how to". It's fun to set a prop, and taking photo of whatever (or any step) that I want. So this blog is my way back to my basic self, a blog with simple words, load of photos and my own happiness. 
For video fans, don't worry, I won't stop making video, I might have a blog without it from time to time, but you will get beautiful how to photo instead, hehe.

And now, about today recipe, this tangy sweet curd is what I always long for. Well, I love lemon, both its taste and fragrance, I never have enough of it. So, the best way to turn it into something that you can eat it any times is making lemon curd. 
It's very easy to make, and you can use it in many recipes, or just spread it over a slice of bread or biscuit. I turn some of my curd into quick lemon meringue pie in less than 10 minutes. 
You can adjust the amount of sugar to suit your taste, but don't reduce too much because it will be more delicious when you have both tangy and sweet taste in the curd.

English: Lemon curd
ภาษาไทย: เลมอนเคิร์ด
日本語: レモンカード

Lemon Curd 
Makes 370 ml

70 g ............................ Unsalted butter
1/8 tsp ........................ Salt
115 g ............................ Sugar
100 ml ......................... Lemon juice 
2 Tbsp ......................... Lemon zest 
2 ................................... Eggs (about 110 g)

Zest the lemon.

Put butter, salt, lemon juice, lemon zest and sugar into a heat-proofed bowl.

 Place the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water, and whisk until the butter melt.

Whisk the eggs together and pour into the lemon juice bowl.
Cook for 10 minutes, whisk constantly.

 Cook until the curd is thicken, it will be able to cover a back of the spoon.

When the mixture is cooked, remove from the heat, stir for about 1 minute longer to cool a little, then place plastic warp directly onto the top of the curd and refrigerate for at least 8 hours or overnight. Can be kept in the fridge for 1 week. 

Lemon Curd: My way back to basic

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