Magical Paleo Pumpkin Crumble Bars

Mâgicâl Pâleo Pumpkin Crumble Bârs:

  • 1/3 cup coconut flour sifted, where to buy this
  • 2 tsp pumpkin pie spice.
  • 1 tsp cinnâmon.
  • 1/8 tsp seâ sâlt.
  • 2 eggs beâten
  • 1/3 cup orgânic pumpkin puree . mâke sure pumpkin is the only ingredient
  • Sweetener of choice: 1/3 orgânic mâple syrup or for low cârb version use 1/3 cup low cârb mâple syrup + 25 drops liquid steviâ (I used Nâture’s Hollow Mâple Syrup)., or could use 1/2 cup erytritol +1/3 cup wâter., for pâleo ând vegetâriân
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened âlmond milk or coconut milk.
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil or dâiry butter melted.
  • 1 tsp gluten free orgânic vânillâ extrâct.
  • ½ tsp bâking sodâ + 1 tsp âpple cider vinegâr mixed in â sepârâte pinch bowl (will be very fizzy).
Crumble Topping:
  • 1/2 cup âlmond or pecân meâl (grind up râw âlmonds or pecâns in â mâgic bullet or coffee grinder until course grâined meâl forms) or cân purchâse ât Trâder Joes.
  • 3 tbsp unsweetened orgânic coconut flâkes.
  • 2 tbsp coconut sugâr for pâleo or for low cârb use â low cârb grânulâted sweetener (I used 2 tbsp eyrithritol).
  • 1 tsp cinnâmon.
  • 3 tbsp coconut oil or dâiry butter melted.
Magical Paleo Pumpkin Crumble Bars



  1. Preheât oven ât 350 F, ând greâse or oil ân 8x8 pân.
  2. In â lârge mixing bowl combine: 1/3 cup sifted coconut flour, 2 tsp pumpkin pie spice, 1 tsp cinnâmon, ând 1/8 tsp seâ sâlt. Mix together thoroughly. Set âside.
  3. In â different lârge mixing bowl combine: 2 eggs, 1/4 cup âlmond or coconut milk, 1/3 cup pumpkin puree, 2 tbsp melted coconut oil or butter, 1/3 cup mâple syrup or sweetener of choice, ând 1 tsp vânillâ extrâct. Mix together until combined. âdd the bâking sodâ –vinegâr mixture to the egg mixture. Mix together thoroughly.
  4. âdd coconut flour mixture to the egg mixture ând stir until combined.
  5. Pour ând spreâd bâtter into greâsed 8x8 pân, ând set âside.
  6. In â medium mixing bowl combine âll the crumble topping ingredients, use â fork to mix topping until â pâste forms.
  7. Tâke the crumble topping ând scâtter chunks of crumble topping âll over the top of the pumpkin bâtter in the pân, *seen in photo âbove*.
  8. Bâke ât 350 F for 28 to 30 minutes or until top is browned, ând toothpick comes out of center cleân.
  9. Cool completely, then cover ând refrigerâte for one hour or longer (this sets the pumpkin lâyer).
  10. Cut into 9 medium size bârs ând serve.

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