No Yeast, No Knead Monkey Bread

 No need to knead, and don't have to use yeast, it's one of the easiest bread that you can make at home.

Monkey bread is the bread that can be easily torn away with the fingers and eaten by hand, it had both sweetness and fun esp. when you eating with children, because they all love to touch the food with their hands, right?. You can find ton of monkey bread recipes, but this time I just want to simplify it while make it more festive too.
Actually, it's base on the biscuit recipe, that all you need to do is mixing and folding the dough, and the dough will rise in the oven due to baking powder and baking soda. Using shortening makes it easier too as the shortening is 100% fat, so your bread will be fluffy and soft as you don't develop gluten when folding the dough. Well, even the name of this bread is monkey bread but when I eat it I feel like eating delicious (and not oily) doughnut instead ^^. 

For people who's allergic to dairy product, you can use nut milk instead of the plain milk and whipping cream in the icing too. But for the icing, you might have to use less amount of the nut milk as the whipping cream is thicker than nut milk.

 No Yeast, No Knead Monkey Bread
Makes 17 cm bread

150 g .................................. Milk
2 tsp ................................... Vinegar
240 g .................................. All purpose flour
2 tbsp ................................. Granulated sugar
1/2 tsp ................................ Salt
1 tsp ................................... Baking powder
1/2 tsp ................................ Baking Soda
50 g..................................... Rice bran oil Shortening

70 g .................................... Brown sugar
40 g .................................... Walnuts
40 g .................................... Rice bran oil

40 g .................................... Icing sugar
25 g .................................... Whipping cream

Preheat an oven to  200℃ 
Line 17 cm Chiffon pan with baking paper.

 Mix milk with vinegar, let it rest for 15 minutes.

 Put flour, baking powder, sugar, baking so and salt into a bowl, whisk to combine.

  I use rice bran oil shortening.

 Put the shortening into the bowl.

 Mix with finger tips, until the mixture resemble small bread crumbs.

 Pour milk and vinegar mixture into the bowl.

 Mix until dough form.

 Remove from the bowl onto floured work surface.

 Fold for 4-5 time.

 Cut into 24 pieces (don't have to be equal).

 Put brown sugar and walnut into a bowl of food processor.

 Process until fine.

 Dip the dough into rice bran oil.

 And dip into brown sugar and walnut mixture.

 Place into prepared pan.

Bake in preheated oven for 35-40 minutes.
Let it cool completely.

Mix the icing sugar and whipping cream together.

 Until desired thickness.

Decorate the bread with icing and walnut before serving.

No Yeast, No Knead Monkey Bread

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