One dish meal: Miso Brown rice with Grilled Salmon

If you ask me what kind of food that I like to cook, I must say one dish meal ^^.

With less thing to wash, and no time to waste, it's my kind of food. And this menu is easier than ever because a rice cooker can do the rest of the job. If you never ate Jasmine brown rice before it's a dish that I really want you to try. Jasmine brown rice is nutty with lovely fragrance, the only tricky thing about cooking it is, it needs more water (and cooking time) to cook. Not only that it's delicious, Jasmine brown rice contains more fibre, minerals, and essential oils than the white rice, too. And its nutty flavour goes very well with oily fish like salmon. The easiest way to cook brown rice is using rice cooker, well you can use heavy pan to cook it but as it needs more cooking time (because it uses more water), it's a bit boring for me, haha. 
For serving, you can crush the salmon into flakes and mix it with rice, or serving it whole piece, it's delicious in both ways.


Recipe: Miso Brown rice with Grilled Salmon
สูตรภาษาไทย: ข้าวกล้องซอสมิโซะหน้าปลาแซลมอน
Youtube: ข้าวกล้องซอสมิโซะหน้าปลาแซลมอน, Miso Brown rice with Grilled Salmon, 鮭の玄米炊き込みご飯

Miso Brown rice with Grilled Salmon
Serve 3-4 


2 cups ....................... Jasmine Brown rice
4-5 cups .................... Water
1/2 tsp ....................... Salt
130 g ......................... Shimeji Mushroom, sliced the bottom off
120 g ......................... Cabbage, finely sliced

Miso sauce

50 g ..........................  Miso 
2 tbsp ........................ Granulated sugar
2 tbsp ........................ Mirin
1tbsp ......................... Shoyu

Grilled Salmon

2 tsp .......................... Sesame oil
3 ................................ Salmon fillets
25 g ........................... Unsalted butter

For serving

................................... Spring onion, finely sliced

 Jasmine Brown rice
  Put rice in a bowl and pour water into the bowl, mix quickly to remove some extra starch.
  Drain the rice.
 Put rice, water and salt into a rice cooker pan. 

 Put shimeji mushroom and cabbage into the pan.

 Mix together miso sauce ingredients.

 Pour miso sauce into the pan.

 Place a frying pan over medium heat, pour sesame oil into the pan.
Grill the salmon fillets.

 Until cook on both sides.

  Place the salmon fillets in the rice cooker pan.
Place the butter on top of the salmon fillets.

Use normal function to cook rice.


Put the cooked rice into a bowl and place salmon fillet on top, sprinkle with spring onion before serving.

One dish meal: Miso Brown rice with Grilled Salmon

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