PJ MASK Jelly Mousse Cheesecake (no bake, eggless recipe) 碟豆花慕斯奶酪免烤蛋糕(不含鸡蛋)

Naturally coloured using butterfly pea flowers, this PJ Mask themed blue ocean birthday cake is a non bake jelly and mousse cheesecake with mild Pandan flavour. 


As usual, every year, I'd make birthday cake for my dearest son. This year, the boy asked for a blue ocean cheesecake, with his PJ Mask - Romeo and Night Ninja toys on top. Well, it doesn't really make sense to put PJ Mask characters on a ocean theme cake but birthday cakes can be as creative and who cares about the designs when the birthday boy is happy with it? :D 

Other than the two PJ MASK toys, I placed another LEGO dolphin, some candies and waffles that I took from the snack shelves. The "tree" was actually from my homegrown organic thyme plant. That's how I make good use of the things that we have at home rather than buying and spending too much for a birthday cake. ;) 

这海洋蛋糕体的概念是来自一位台湾的Peter Chan老师。 孩子喜欢海洋蛋糕,还不断的提醒我一定要把他的两个玩具放在蛋糕上面。其实我不特别喜欢慕斯蛋糕,但是孩子坚持了,没办法,就只好挖出那旧的记事本,做了这蛋糕给他。这不是老师的食谱,但技术是从老师的海洋蛋糕课学的,所以只分享了食谱,不方便分享蛋糕的装饰详细做法。


150g Digestive Biscuit, finely crushed 消化饼干碎 150克

60g Unsalted Butter, melted 牛油 60克,融化


9g Gelatin Powder 吉利丁粉 9克

2 tbsp Water 水 2汤匙

250g Cream Cheese (room temperature) 奶油奶酪 250克 ,室温

60g Castor Sugar 细砂糖 60克

150g Whipping Cream 动物性鲜奶油 150克

60g Milk 鲜奶 60克

Cake pan: 6" or 7" round removable base. 六寸或七寸蛋糕模



200g Water 水 200克

3-4 Dried Butterfly Pea Flower 碟豆花/蓝蝶花 3-4 朵
(adjust the amount to your desired colour 依颜色的深浅自行调整份量)

1 Pandan Leave 班兰叶 1片

2 tbsp Sugar 细砂糖 2汤匙


160g Water 水

4 tsp Gelatin Powder 吉利丁粉 4小匙

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1. Combine digestive biscuit and melted butter. 

2. Spread onto the cake pan and press down with the back of a spoon (or with cleaned hand). Refrigerate till set, at least 1 hour.


3. Measure water into a bowl and sprinkle in the gelatin (without stirring with a spoon). Set aside for 10 minutes. 

4. Use double boil method to warm the milk, stir in gelatin mixture to dissolve in warm milk. Remove from heat and set aside to cool to room temperature. 

5. In a mixing bowl, beat whipping cream and 30g sugar until stiff. Set aside.

6. Beat cream cheese and the remaining sugar together until smooth and creamy. 

7. Beat in gelatin milk mixture. 

8. Fold in whipped cream. 

9. Pour the mixture onto the chilled crust. Chill in the refrigerator until set. 


10. In a saucepan, add in (A), bring to a boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and let it cool completely. Strain before use.

11. Measure water into small bowl and sprinkle in the gelatin (without stirring with a spoon). Set aside for 10 minutes. Place bowl in a larger bowl of hot water. Once the gelatin melts, remove from hot water and set aside to cool to room temperature.
吉利丁粉撒在水里,待十分钟。 隔水加热,搅拌融化后离火,待凉备用。

12. Mix together 10 and 11, pour onto the mousse cheesecake. Refrigerate overnight or until set. Remove the cake from the cake pan and serve chilled. Tap the link below and watch the video tutorial of how I remove my cheesecake from the pan, the easy and perfect way! 
把步骤(10)和 (11)的材料混合,倒入已凝固的蛋糕。放进冰箱冷藏至凝固,即可享用。以下的视频教你怎么轻易的把蛋糕完美脱模。若喜欢我的食谱,可以LIKE和追随我的面书专页,不要错过最新食谱发布。

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Video tutorial 视频教学:

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