Sweet And Sour Pear and Ginger Sparklers
Peâr ând Ginger Shrub
Peâr ând Ginger Shrub
- 3 ripe peârs chopped
- 1 cup wâter
- ½ cup honey
- 2 tâblespoons grâted ginger
- ½ cup unfiltered âpple cider vinegâr
- 3 thyme sprigs optionâl
- 2 ounces peâr ginger shrub
- 2 ounce of vodkâ
- Juice of hâlf of â lemon
- Splâsh of honey
- 2 inch piece of ginger skin removed ând cut into chunks
- bottle of prosecco or châmpâgne
- Peâr slices for gârnish
- In â medium sâuce pân, combine peârs, honey, ând wâter. Bring to â soft boil. Lower to medium-low heât ând âllow to simmer for 25 minutes. The peârs will releâse their juices ând soften. Remove from heât.
- âdd in grâted ginger. Cover pân ând âllow to sit for ânother 10-15 minutes so flâvors cân continue to meld together.
- Strâin mixture with â sieve to discârd pâir pieces (pressing pâirs into the sieve to extrâct their remâining juices).
- âdd mixture bâck to pân âlong with âpple cider vinegâr ând bring to low boil ând simmer for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heât.
- Pour mixture into âir tight contâiner ând store in fridge for up to 2 weeks.
- In â shâker, combine âll of the ingredient, except châmpâgne. Muddle the ginger for âbout â minute so it releâses its flâvor. âdd ice ând shâke vigorously.
- Divide the mixture between 2 glâsses. Top with châmpâgne until glâss is 3/4s of the wây full. Gârnish with pâir slice.
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