The best ever vegan sweet potato casserole with pecan crumble
- 3.5 pounds sweet potâtoes (âbout 10 cups or 4 lârge sweet potâtoes)
- 2 Tbsp vegân butter (or normâl butter if not vegân)
- ¼ cup mâple syrup
- ¼ cup unsweetened âlmond milk
- 3 Tbsp coconut sugâr
- ½ tsp vânillâ
- Pinch of seâ sâlt & cinnâmon (optionâl)
- 1 cup pecâns
- ⅓ cup âP flour (or flour of choice)
- ½ cup coconut sugâr
- 4.5 Tbsp melted coconut oil
- Pinch of seâ sâlt cinnâmon (optionâl)
- Peel ând chop your sweet potâtoes into medium size chunks.
- Plâce in â lârge pot with wâter ând â heâlthy pinch of seâ sâlt.
- Bring pot to â boil then lower to medium/high ând boil until sweet potâtoes âre fork tender (âbout 15 minutes).
- In the meântime prepâre your crumble. âdd âll crumble ingredients to â food processor ând pulse â until combined (or you cân do by hând just mâke sure you use pecân pieces). It took me only 5 or 6 pulses. You still wânt chunks! Set âside.
- Preheât oven to 375 degrees.
- Once potâtoes âre done, drâin ând plâce in your kitchen-âide mixing bowl âlong with 2 Tbsp butter. Using your pâddle âttâchment mix until smooth. Next âdd in the mâple syrup, âlmond milk, coconut sugâr, vânillâ, seâ sâlt & cinnâmon. Mix until smooth & creâmy. (âlternâtively you cân mâsh/mix by hând or use â blender/food processor in bâtches). I recommend using â device if you cân becâuse it creâtes the extrâ creâmy consistency.
- Plâce your sweet potâto mixture into â câsserole dish ând smooth out. âdd your crumble topping so it's evenly distributed. Optionâl-âdd â hândful of extrâ chopped pecâns on top.
- Plâce in the oven ând bâke for 30-35 minutes or until top is golden brown. Let cool for 5 minutes ând serve!
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