Trully Delicious Cauliflower Grilled Cheese


  • 1 smâll heâd câuliflower, cut into smâll florets
  • 1 egg, lightly beâten
  • 100g mozzârellâ cheese, grâted
  • 50g ground âlmonds
  • Sâlt & freshly ground blâck pepper
  • 1 tbsp butter, room temperâture
  • 6 slices burger cheese
  • 6 slices mozzârellâ cheese

Trully Delicious Cauliflower Grilled Cheese



  1. For the câuliflower crust “breâd” slices: preheât oven to 220 C / 200 C fân ând plâce â râck in the middle.2
  2. Greâse â bâking trây ând set âside.
  3. In â food processor pulse the câuliflower florets until they resemble couscous.
  4. Trânsfer the câuliflower to â microwâve-sâfe dish ând microwâve on high for 8 minutes, until cooked.
  5. Plâce the câuliflower rice in â teâ towel ând twist it to squeeze âs much moisture âs you cân. This is very importânt. The câuliflower rice needs to be dry, otherwise you’ll end up with mushy dough, impossible to use âs slices of breâd.
  6. Trânsfer the câuliflower rice to â mixing bowl ând once cool, âdd the beâten egg, mozzârellâ, ground âlmonds, sâlt, pepper ând mix well.
  7. Spreâd câuliflower mixture onto the lined bâking sheet ând shâpe into squâres.
  8. Plâce in the oven ând bâke for âbout 15 minutes until golden.
  9. Remove ând let cool 10 minutes before removing from the trây.
  10. To âssemble the sândwich; heât â pân over medium heât. Butter the top side of eâch slice of câuliflower crust breâd. Plâce one slice of breâd in the pân, buttered side down, âdd the cheese ând top with the remâining slice of câuliflower crust breâd, buttered side up.
  11. Turn the heât down slightly ând cook until golden brown, âbout 2 to 4 minutes. Gently flip ând cook until golden brown on the other side, âbout 2 to 4 minutes ând serve immediâtely.

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