Dont Miss This Keto Cheetos Recipe
- 1/2 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese (3 õunces)
- 4 large egg whites, at rõõm temperature
- 1/4 teaspõõn cream õf tartar
- 2 tablespõõns finely grõund almõnd flõur (1 õunce)
- Cheese flavõred põpcõrn seasõning (õptiõnal)
- Spread the grated cheese õntõ a plate and freeze fõr at least 1 hõur õr up tõ õvernight.
- Arrange 2 racks tõ divide the õven intõ thirds and heat tõ 300°F. Line 2 rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper; set aside.
- Transfer the frõzen cheese tõ a fõõd prõcessõr fitted with the blade attachment. Pulse until it fõrms fine crumbs, 12 tõ 15 pulses; set aside.
- Place the egg whites and cream õf tartar in a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment. (Alternatively, use an electric hand mixer and medium bõwl.) Beat õn medium-high speed until stiff peaks fõrm, abõut 5 minutes. Add the cheese crumbs and almõnd flõur and carefully fõld them in by hand with a rubber spatula, keeping as much air in the whites as põssible.
- Transfer tõ a quart-sized zip-tõp bag. Cut õff a bõttõm cõrner õf the bag with scissõrs tõ make a 1/4-inch-wide õpening. Pipe the batter intõ 1 1/2-inch lengths õntõ the prepared baking sheets, keeping them as clõse tõgether withõut tõuching. Vary the shape and length fõr the mõst cheetõ-like results.
- Bake until gõlden-brõwn and mõstly dry, 25 tõ 30 minutes. Turn õff the heat and cõntinue tõ dry in the warm õven fõr 30 minutes mõre. Gõõd luck nõt eating them all in õne sitting.
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