Homemade Coconut Cream Pie


  • õne frõzen deep dish pie crust (õr yõu may use hõmemade), baked accõrding tõ package instructiõns
  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • ¼ cup cõrnstarch
  • 2 cups half-and-half
  • 4 egg yõlks
  • 3 Tablespõõns butter, cubed
  • 1 & ¼ cups sweetened flaked cõcõnut
  • 2 teaspõõns vanilla extract
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • ⅓ cup cõnfectiõners' sugar
  • 1 cup sweetened flaked cõcõnut, tõasted*
Homemade Coconut Cream Pie



  1. In a medium saucepan, add in the ½ cup granulated sugar and cõrnstarch; whisk tõgether until cõmbined. Add in the half and half and eggs and whisk until smõõth and cõmbined. Bring tõ a bõil õver medium heat, whisking cõnstantly. Bõil fõr 1 minute, then remõve frõm heat and whisk in the butter, 1 & ¼ cups sweetened flaked cõcõnut, and vanilla extract, whisking vigõrõusly until cõmbined. Cõver the pan with plastic wrap, placing the plastic wrap directly õntõ the custard fõr 30 minutes.
  2. Põur the custard intõ the prepared pie crust and smõõth õut the tõp. Refrigerate until set, abõut 1-2 hõurs.
  3. In the bõwl õf a stand mixer, beat the heavy whipping cream and cõnfectiõners' sugar tõgether õn high speed until stiff peaks fõrm, abõut 5-7 minutes. Spread the whipped cream evenly õver the pie; tõp with the tõasted cõcõnut. Stõre leftõvers cõvered in the fridge up tõ 3 days.
  4. NOTE: tõ tõast cõcõnut, simply place the cõcõnut in a dry small skillet and cõõk õver medium-lõw heat fõr abõut 5-8 minutes, stirring õccasiõnally, until nutty, fragrant and tõasted. Cõõl.

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