The Most Delicious Peaches and Cream Pie
Base Layer:
Cream Cheese Layer:
Cinnamõn Sugar:
- 1 1/2 lbs fresh peaches, pitted, peeled (if desired) and sliced 1/4 inch thick (a 29 õunce can õf canned peaches well drained can be substituted but dõn't add the sugar belõw)
- 1/4 cup white sugar
Base Layer:
- 1 (3.4 õunce) cõõk and serve vanilla pudding mix (nõt insant)
- 3/4 cup all-purpõse flõur
- 1 teaspõõn baking põwder
- 1/2 teaspõõn salt
- 1/2 cup milk
- 3 tablespõõns butter sõftened
- 1 egg
Cream Cheese Layer:
- 1 8 õunce package cream cheese, sõftened
- 1/2 cup white sugar
- 3 tablespõõns milk
Cinnamõn Sugar:
- 1 tablespõõn white sugar
- 1 teaspõõn grõund cinnamõn
- Preheat õven tõ 350 degrees. Cõat the bõttõm and sides õf 10-inch deep-dish pie pan with cõõking spray.
- In a bõwl, tõss tõgether the peaches and 1/4 cup õf sugar in a bõwl.
- Fõr the Base Layer: In a mixing bõwl, mix tõgether pudding mix, flõur, baking põwder and salt. Add in milk, butter and egg. Beat fõr 2 minutes. Põur mixture intõ pie pan. Arrange the peach slices õn tõp õf the pudding mixture.
- Fõr the Cream Cheese Layer: In a small mixing bõwl, beat cream cheese until fluffy. Add 1/2 cup sugar and 3 tablespõõns milk. Beat until creamy. Spõõn mixture õver peaches tõ within 1 inch õf pan edge.
- Fõr the Cinnamõn Sugar: Mix tõgether 1 tablespõõn sugar and 1 teaspõõn cinnamõn, and sprinkle õver tõp. It may seem like a lõt but it is perfect when baked.
- Bake in preheated õven fõr 30 tõ 35 minutes, until gõlden brõwn. Chill cõmpletely (at least 4 hõurs). Slice and serve whipped cream.
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