Modern Pastry with Quentin Bailly at PBA

Framboise/ Estragon en demi sphere QB 2018
 We can't stop learning, and I think that's it true.

There are so many reasons for each person to keep on learning but for me the only reason is I want to be better in something that I love!


And that's why I participated in Modern Pastry with Quentin Bailly at PBA. Chef Quentin Bailly is world champion chocolate pastry (his France team which formed by Quentin Bailly, Mathieu Blandin and Joffrey Lafontaine) won The World Pastry Cup (or Coupe du Monde de la Pâtisserie in French) in the year of 2013.

This is my second time at Pastry by Ann (if you want to read about my first time click here :Contemporary pastry class by Chef Hans Ovando at Pastry by Ann).
 But now Pastry by Ann became better and bigger!!!!!!

The name of the school had been changed from "Pastry by Ann" to "PBA". Before moving to the new place the initial of the school was PBA, but now Khun Ann (the school director, this time I had a chance to chitchat with her ^^, she is very nice and beautiful women) told me that, PBA is stand for

P: Pâtisserie - all kinds of pastry

B: Boulangerie - bread 
A: Arts - decoration art (icing, fondant and all kind of food arts)

Plus the people who knew PBA (Pastry by Ann) are already familiar with this initial too.

Pâtisserie class room
Not only the name, now the school moved to a new place (the nine Praram 9) , if you read the old post, one of the problem was the size of the room. But now, the school contains 3 large rooms (total space of the school is 200 square meters). Khun Ann told me that they spent 2 years prepared this place, because she wants it to be ready for all kinds of  class There are short course (3-5 hours), long course (for people who want to open their own bakery), or Master class course which taught by world class chef. 

Boulangerie class room
 Every rooms are fully equipped with all the equipments that we need (yes, I think we need them, haha), for creating delicious, beautiful pastry and baked goods.

Because Khun Ann create this place from her passion, and all the staffs love what they do, that's what I love most. It's a small society that filled with happiness ^^ , not only a place that we just come and go, but it makes me want to come back again, and again.

Decoration arts class room
 This time, Modern Pastry with Quentin Bailly was taught in Pâtisserie class room. And there were many thing that we learned from this class : Entremet, Tart, Mousse, Chocolate Decoration. 
Chef Quentin Bailly with P'Sa
Because Chef Quentin Bailly is French, but don't worry, I could understand him ^^, because we had P'Sa our interpreter for this class, who could translate everything for us (Thank you ka, P'Sa). 
PS. the school provide an interpreter for every class, as they are many world class chefs from around the world, who come to teach here.

Hazelnut/Kalamansi QB 2018
 There were 12 kinds of pastry that we made in this class. Actually, from the course detail there were only 11 but chef thought that we had enough time (the class took 4 days), so he added 1 more recipe ^^.

Longueur Orange blossom mandarin QB
 The best thing about this kinds of class is, it's hands on class, so we had a chance to make many part of the entremet by ourselves.

Entremets yuzu gianduja QB
Each entremet contained many, many and many elements, chef said that he wanted to teach us as much as he could, so he put many things into each recipe, but I love what we told us that, to make delicious pastry, we don't have to put many elements into each pastry, the only thing that we really need to think about is the taste, so the simplest pastry can be the most delicious too, and that's what I always believe. 

Longueur individuals peanuts apricot QB
 Because there were so many thing to made, our 4 days class was starting by preparing elements that we needed for creating our beautiful pastry.

My style Concorde QB
There were 8 of the students, so we were divided into 4 groups. And each group had to made each element that chef ordered from the start (weighing, making, labelling and keeping). 

Tartelette citron QB 2018
 Well, for me weighing is very easy job, haha, so our group (me and Khun Poo), always had time to help other group on weighing.

Tarte tatin style QB
By helping each other all the time in the class, after the first day all of us became friends (started by adding Line ID, now, we are line friend, ^^).

Entremets riz au lait coco fraise citron vert QB 2018
 But as there were many elements that we had to made, there was one time that I sticked wrong label -*- (there were many kinds of ganache, haha), luckily, chef remembered that it's not what he want, and I had to remember to be more focus!

Cappucino QB
So, we spent 3 days making each part of the pastry, and kept the last day for assembling and decorating them.

Almond pear religious QB 2018
The recipes that chef gave us are full of detail, we rarely had to write down anything, and it's very good, because we had to focus on making each part of the pastry (plus, we needed to keep the work space clean).

Le tout chocolat moelleux et framboise 2018 QB
But when participating this kind of class, it's not about the recipe, it's technique, and know how that I want to get from world class chef!

Chef Quentin Bailly started by assigning each group the work, and if the recipe was complicated he demonstrated it first (then the next time, we had to make it by ourselves). 

I love that we didn't have to wash anything, haha, I still remembered that I had to wash load of the equipments when I participated in the baking class at UK.

It's fun when we had a chance to put our hands into it, plus chef could correct us when he saw what we did wrong.

He let us try the biscuits, cream and etc ^^, before assembling too, well it's one of the best part of the class, haha.

Eat and smile!!!!
 most of them were delicious by itself, and some of them needed other element to make it shine.

Making entremet, we have to making a plan, what we have to do first or last, plus how we want to decorate it too.

Many parts of them have to be frozen, or prebaked, we ended each of the days without seeing the finish product, but we know that everything went on plan ^^.

I think Chef Quentin Bailly is perfectionist, haha, but it's not keeping him from being a good teacher, as he always let us try.

So, we had to pay attention in each step too, or he won't let it pass -*-.

Not only the baked part, he showed as how to making chocolate decoration too.

And yes, he let us try, but I have to say that it's not easy as it seen, making perfect chocolate decoration needed practice, and more practice. Anyway, it's not easy to follow his advice, haha, because he told us to tempering about  1 kg. of the chocolate each day, for home baker like me, it's too much.

Each part of the pastry is important, even a thickness of the APPLE!!!!

And how to put it in a pan too ^^.

I got so many things from this class, techniques for making each kinds of ganache.

And how to keep each element before using, that's very good for our high humidity environment.

New recipes and new ways of using my old recipes to make it better, or turn it into something new.

Plus, this class filled with smile and friendship, not only from the students, but all the staff here were nice, and very kinds, I could feel that they really love to help and yes to bake too.

Chef Quentin Bailly prepared the decoration.
On the fourth day, after finishing preparing every parts we were ready to assemble to pastry.

Learning how to glaze cake perfectly.

Because chef planed everything perfectly, we spent our last day very relaxing.

Glazing and turning to make it smooth.
Assembling the pastry, decorating, and tasting it!!! Chef told as the day before that we shouldn't eat anything before coming to class, haha, because we had so many thins to eat.

Dip the frozen mousse into white chocolate.
And we had a chance to eat the finished product (not the mousse, the ganache, haha), and I think they were much better when they came together.

With Chef Quentin Bailly's quality.

The inside view of  Entremets yuzu gianduja QB
And when eating them together in one piece, I think about what chef said on the first day, that's the most important thing is the taste! Because some part is too sweet, or too plain, but when they combined with other part they became perfect.

Chef said that beautiful pastry makes people want to come into the shop.

But the taste of it makes people come back.

So, we have to pay attention on decorating to make it beautiful, and delicious at the same time.

And we have to practice and keep on learning to make it better and better.

inside view of Longueur Orange blossom mandarin QB

I had a very good time and great experience from this class. 

And I really want to come here again, to learn new thing, get new friend and eat delicious pastry ^^.

Thank you so much chef Quentin Bailly, you're one of the best teacher for us.

PBA Dream team
And Thank you all the staffs at PBA, you're so helpful and kind, see you again, next time!

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