Traveling with dailydelicious: Hokkaido day 6-7 Eating (sweet) and Drinking (coffee) in Sapporo

 Our sweet brunch at Kinotoya cafe

We started our day in Sapporo, by walking from the hotel to small coffee shop.

 If you want to read previous post click here:

Traveling with dailydelicious: Hokkaido day one, Happy brunch with Doraemon, and nobody (else) train
Traveling with dailydelicious: Hokkaido day two, Eating, and non stop eating in and around Obihiro
Traveling with dailydelicious: Hokkaido day three, our trip on the road. 
Traveling with dailydelicious: Hokkaido day four, beautiful view in the rain.
Traveling with dailydelicious: Hokkaido day 5 Let's go to the zoo and fruit picking

 Actually I really wanted to try more of them but I had to choose the one that we could go there easily (we didn't have a car now -*-).

 This small coffee shop is バリスタート コーヒー (Baristart coffee). +81 11-215-1775
It's not far from Odori park. 

The special thing about this coffee shop is, you can choose the milk that you want to put into your coffee, and you know that I'm addicted to latte so I was very happy.

There were 3 kinds of milk to choose from, and each one had its own characteristic.

 Because I'm falling in love with Tokachi's milk after drinking it in Obihiro, so, I didn't hesitated, haha.
The master and staff made our coffee with attention and detail, ^^, we told them about our trip, it's the best way to start our morning with load of laughing. Plus, when he handed me the coffee, I reached for my camera, and he picked up his camera too, haha. So, we both took the photo of my Latte, and show each other the photo ^^.

 Delicious coffee, delicious milk, lovely Latte art and very nice Barista, I really recommended this place. 
Note: they sell cute tumbler, cup and etc, too.

After getting a cup of good coffee, we walked back to Odori park, our destination is  Kinotoya cafe in Odori Bisse.

At Odori Bisse, you can choose food and sweet from Bocca (ボッカ), Snaffles (ペイストリー スナッフルス), Machimura Farm (町村農場), Tsukisamu anpan honpohonma (月寒あんぱん本舗), and Kinotoya (洋菓子 きのとや).

 Sausage and soup set from Bocca

It's self service cafe, with lot of people, but we're lucky enough to get a seat.

 Breakfast set from Kinotoya

Because we didn't have much plan ^^, well, we came here to relax anyway, so eating slowly and enjoying everything was our target.

 After breakfast, I wanted to try some sweet from Kinotoya cafe, esp. the cheese tart that I saw a lot of people queue for it at the airport.

 And now, it's my time to taste it.

 It's delicious, but not as much as I expected, haha. and if I have to buy only one sweet from Hokkaido, I think Letao is the one that I will choose.

 But this small box of cookie was very good ^^, it made from Hokkaido butter.

 And with retro design, I really love it.

 Having our lunch with a bit of shopping (there were small space, where they sold handmade Zakka in Odori Bisse while we went there), and we got a lot of souvenirs for our family and friends here.

 If you have time, (or want to) you can enjoy touring by Sapporo Covered Wagon Tours, but we just wanted to walk around.

The Odori park was in the center of the city, it divided into 13 blocks, with landmarks, monuments, and buildings.

It  is also used for many of Hokkaido’s best-known seasonal events, such as the Snow Festival in the winter, Lilac Festival in the spring, YOSAKOI Soran Festival and beer garden in the summer, and Autumn Festival, in the fall. Well, by the time that we went there, we didn't have a chance to see any festival, haha.

But the weather was good and the sun was shining, and we enjoyed playing at Odori park.

 We spent a lot of time here (well, I love this kind of traveling, spending time as long as I want at the place that I like, hehe). Finally we felt a bit hungry, and it's time for another cup of coffee.

We chose the one near Odori park (well, my niece was tired now).
 ATELIER Morihiko (アトリエモリヒコ)
+81 11-231-4883

 The shop was full but it's very quite ^^, we waited for 10 minutes before getting a seat.

 There were coffee, light meal and sweet to choose from.

 Well, the shop was great, with good atmosphere, but the one thing that I have to warn you, don't come here if you're very hungry or don't have enough time to wait, because it took very long time before we got our coffee and meal.

 But the coffee was very delicious, I couldn't stop myself buying a bag of it to enjoy at home ^^.

 Mashed potato toast was very good too.

Affogato (アッフォガード)

There were (expensive ^^) hand made zakka in the same space, they were beautiful, but I didn't want to pack them back to Thailand and worry about them all the time, so I didn't bought anything here.

Because we had a reservation for dinner at 5 (it's the only time that we could get the seat), so we just walked around the park. When it's almost 5, we tried to get the Taxi to go to the restaurant, but the driver didn't let us do that, haha, he said that it's very close so we believed him and walked to the restaurant instead.

 Now, it's the main event for Today, haha. 
Umi Hachikyo Bettei Oyaji (海味 はちきょう 別亭 おやじ )
Because my sister really wanted to eat here, and it's always fully reserved. I made the reservation while we're in Asahikawa but we didn't get the time that we want, so if you want to come to this place, make a reservation very early is recommended.

 We got counter seat, with very small space to move or place the food, but we're ready to eat, haha, so we didn't care about it.

 And the first thing, let me had my reward: a glass of High ball ^^.

 And a glass of Umechu for my sister.

 To tell you the truth, I couldn't remember the name of the food or the price, haha.

 But one thing that I can tell you is they were delicious, haha.

Our target was to eat はちきょうつっこ飯 (rice with salmon roe), first I wanted to order the large one (ok, I's greedy), but the staff looked at us and showed us the bowl that they used for each size, haha. And told me to order the medium one instead.

This dish was a show stopper, and it's a show too. Because the staff would place the bowl of rice in front of you, then they would yell and spoon the salmon roe over the rice until full (and fall). 

Zangi Fried chicken (はちきょう特製 鶏ザンギ)

 毛ガニ 一杯

 Salmon Sashimi

 Ama ebi
The food were delicious ^^, but next time I will reserve the table seat, so we can enjoy the food more, and easier, haha.

We're so full (I thought we ate food that's enough to feed 5 people, haha). And now, we had to walk or we wouldn't be able to sleep.

If you love Anime, goods from manga, game etc. you can spend time at Animate Sapporo, I really wanted to spend more time here, haha, and after keeping myself from shopping, I ended up buying a lot (cry).

 Before going back to the hotel, we stopped at Sapporo TV tower (さっぽろテレビ塔)

 Where you can get to the observation deck by paying 780 yen ^^.

 The view would be different if you can here at noon or in winter, ^^ so choose the time that you want to enjoy it.
We bought some souvenirs (again!) from the shop at TV tower, and walked back to the hotel. My niece told me that she wanted to come to TV tower again tomorrow, haha, well I didn't think we will never have enough time when travel, right?

 It's 9.30 in the morning, and after asking people for direction (the staff at the Kita kitchen shop, he stopped his work and walked us here, hehe), we're queuing at Saera (さえら)  sandwich shop for our breakfast ^^.

Luckily, we didn't have to wait for a long, now, we could enjoy our bread packed meal.

Special Salmon Cream cheese sandwich (スペシャルサーモンサンド )
There were many kinds of sandwich to choose, and it's not easy, because they were quite large, so we couldn't order many kinds of them.
The price was about 630-700 yen per one sandwich.

King crab meat with ham (タラバカニ&ハム)

 Egg with fried corn (卵 &とうもろこしカツ)

Fruit and fried shrimp  (フルーツ &えびカツ)
Finally we ended up ordered 4 kinds of sandwiches for 3 of us, they're delicious, the bread was soft and fragrance and the filling was good but if you want to really enjoy them, order just 1 kind for 1 person, as it's very big.

 we finished our breakfast (or lunch?, haha), at 11, and started walking. Today was sight seeing tour.

 The first stop was Sapporo Clock Tower, (札幌時計台 Sapporo Tokeidai).
It's finished on 16th October 1878, and to celebrate it anniversary, we didn't have to pay admission fee (we went there on 16th October).

I found the lyric from a song of my favourite artist "Kobukoro" here ^^

It serves as a museum with displays about the building's history and Sapporo on the first floor. 

On the second floor, there are displays about the clock.

The hall upstairs used for private functions, and occasionally used for concerts too.

If you want to get good photo, cross the road and take a stair, from there you can have a good shot with this famous building.

 Not far from the Sapporo Clock Tower, we walked to Former Hokkaido Government Office (北海道庁旧本庁舎).

 Beautiful pond in front of the building.

 It's a tourist information office, and a few historical exhibition rooms and libraries.

 The parting of William S. Clark

The most famous painting in here is  "The parting of William S. Clark"  Dr. Clark, who was on horseback at the time, said to students seeing him off in Shimamatsu on his departure for home.

"Boys, be ambitious! 
Be ambitious not for money or for selfish aggrandizement, 
not for that evanescent thing which men call fame. 
Be ambitious for that attainment of all that a man ought to be."

 The Governor's former office room

Note that most of the information in historical exhibition rooms were in Japanese, (with a very little of English), so it might be boring if you don't know Japanese ^^".

 We walked from the Government office toward the Hokkaido University.
 And, it's time for sitting and eating again.

And we went to our favourite sweet shop "Rokkatei", it's Rokkatei Sapporo honten (六花亭 札幌本店), and it's spacious.
You can sit in an eat in space, or buy a drink and eat (while standing ^^) on the second flour too.

Kurikintsuba (栗きんつば)
Because I wanted to try many kinds of sweets that made from chestnut, I bought some of them from the first floor.
Inside of Kurikintsuba (栗きんつば)
You will find many kinds of chestnut sweet in Autumn and yes, they're at their best.

Kurikinton (栗きんとん)

And I found my favourite Japanese sweet that made from only 2 ingredients chestnut, and sugar.
Kurikinton  (栗きんとん), the amount of the sweetness and richness was just right, actually I wanted to buy another piece of it immediately, haha.

Chestnut with cream and rum (新栗シャンテリー)

If you go to Hokkaido in Autumn, don't forget to try them, and you will fall in love with very delicious chestnut too.

Chestnut potage (栗のポタージュ) (390 yen)

Not only the sweet, you can enjoyed drinking chestnut ^^,   lightly salt Chestnut potage, it's very delicious too.

Earl grey premium cheesecake (アールグレイのプレミアムチーズケーキ) (400yen)
Not only chestnut, Earl grey premium cheesecake, special cheesecake, that baked for 2.5 hours. Rich in taste but light in texture, I ate to much of it, haha.

Strawberry parfait (ストベリーパフェ) (580yen)
The last one was Strawberry parfait, simple but delicious, rich cream with tangy sweet strawberry. After eating we're ready to walk.

Hokkaido University (北海道大学) is famous as a tourist spot, esp. if you have enough time to walk around the campus.

The colour of the tree was not fully changing into Autumn made when we went there, but it's beautiful too.

You need a load of time and I really mean it!, If you want to really enjoy walking and taking photos.

Many people told me to eat here, but I didn't have time to do that, haha, and I enjoyed taking photos more than eating when I saw the colour of the trees.

It made me want to come here again in other season, as I know that the colour of the tree and the sky will not be the same.

Ginkgo Avenue(イチョウ並木)

And now, it's time for us to leave Sapporo, I thought 2 days was not enough, but how many day that I need? Well I really don't know.

There were so many things to know, see, eat, and because of that traveling is a life time project, haha, you won't be able to finish it.

We took a Taxi back to the hotel, and went to Sapporo JR station. Our next stop was Otaru, and we would relax in Onsen.

Matcha Manju (抹茶まんじゅう)
Buying some drink and sweet to eat on the train, only 30 minutes from here, we would go  from large capital city to a very small town.

Traveling with dailydelicious: Hokkaido day 8-9 Sashimi, Kimono and sweet

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