Liu Sha Bao (Salted Egg Yolk Custard Bun) 黃金流沙包

Liu Sha Bao is one of my daughter's favorite dim sum, so i try my hand to make it at home. Liu Sha Bao is a one of the popular bao in dim sum restaurant. For a good Liu Sha Bao, the salted egg yolk custard must flowing out like lava when you first bite it. Anyway, my first Liu Sha Bao's didn't achieve the flowing out filling, but the custard filling tasted was so yummy, exactly like that one served in dim sum restaurant. Even i couldn't achieve like the real Liu Sha Bao, i still sharing this recipe here, as i know some of you might not like the flowing lava filling ,feel it a bit messy when eating it , then you can try this recipe.

How to make the salted egg yolks custard filling

I got some with shrunk bao skin. Next time i have to increase the bao dough for each bun.

Liu Sha Bao (Molten Salted Egg Yolk Custard Bun) 黃金流沙包

Custard filling

70 g castor sugar
65 custard powder
55 milk powder
100g butter, room temperature
3 salted egg yolk (approx 50 g), steamed
2 tbsp evaporated milk


  1. Mashed the steamed salted egg yolks with a fork.
  2. Mix castor sugar, custard powder and milk powder in a large mixing bowl and stir well.
  3. Add in butter and evaporated milk and use a silicone spatula, mix until it becomes a paste.
  4. Add in mashed salted egg yolks and mix thoroughly. Put filling into fridge or freezer to firm up.
  5. Use an ice cream scoop, scoop about 20g custard filling each, put back into fridge to harden before wrap with bao dough.

Pumpkin bao dough

250g Hong Kong Flour or Bao flour (I used bluekey Bao flour)
1 and 1/4tsp instant yeast
70g pumpkin puree
60g caster sugar
2tsp vegetable shortening
1/2tsp double action baking powder
1/8tsp salt
55g water or adjust accordingly

1. Mix all dry ingredients in a mixing bowl, Bao flour, instant yeast, sugar, double action baking powder and salt, mix well.
2. Rub in shortening , add in pumpkin puree, slow add in water (adjust accordingly ), knead became smooth and not sticky dough.Cover with damp cloth and rest for 60mins.
5. Knock down dough to expel some air, transfer to a lightly floured surface and knead for a while.
6. Equally divide into 17 portions, roll into ball, set aside to rest for 10mins.
7. Fatten and roll out the dough into a circle. Place custard filling onto the center and pleat up the sides and seal.
8. Place the bao (seam side down) onto a piece of greaseproof paper, on the rack for steaming. Cover with a piece of damp cloth and let rise for another 30-45mins.
9. Steam the bao over medium low heat for about 10 -15mins.
10. Remove from steamer and serve warm.

Filling recipe refer to here, bao dough recipe by Sonia a.k.a Nasi Lemak Lover

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