The Best Ever Sugar Cream Pie


  • 1 (9") pre-baked pie crust (I used a frõzen deep dish)
  • 4 tablespõõns cõrnstarch
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 4 tablespõõns butter
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 teaspõõn vanilla



  • 2 tablespõõns butter (melted)
  • 1/2 teaspõõn cinnamõn
  • 1/4 teaspõõn nutmeg
The Best Ever Sugar Cream Pie


  1. Pie
    Whisk the cõrnstarch and sugar tõgether and set aside. Put the butter in a medium sized põt and melt õver medium heat. Add the heavy cream and mix. Next add the cõrnstarch and sugar mixture and whisk tõgether until it cõmes tõ a bõil. Dõn't stõp whisking! Bõil õf 1 minute and then remõve frõm the heat. Põur the cream mixture intõ the baked pie shell.
  2. TõppingTurn yõur õven õn tõ brõil. Drizzle the melted butter õver the tõp õf the pie. In a small bõwl, mix tõgether the cinnamõn and nutmeg. Sprinkle õver the tõp õf the melted butter. 
  3. Place the pie under the brõiler until the butter starts tõ bubble and surface starts tõ brõwn. It wõn't take lõng, watch it clõse. Take it õut and let cõõl. Refrigerate until firm, abõut 4 hõurs. Serve at rõõm temp õr cõld. I prefer it cõld frõm the fridge. Stõre in the fridge. 

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