French Bread Taco Pizzas

When my children were growing up it was terribly difficult to get them to eat anything at all for supper on Halloween. They were far too keen to get out and about Trick or Treating. As a mom, however, I really wanted them to eat something nutritious before they went out, or at least something that wasn't candy and so I used to try to tempt them with things that they really enjoyed, like pizza, tacos, or spaghetti, etc.

Something like these French Bread Taco Pizzas would have gone down a real treat!

Quick and simple to make, they combine two o their favourite things . . . pizza and tacos!

You just make a taco type of filling (thanks Marie for the taco seasoning mix) and spread it over a layer of refried beans on French Bread halves. (I used split and toasted torpedo buns as there are only two of us)

After that you just layer on cheese and your favourite Taco Toppings, chopped tomatoes, spring onions, black olives, etc. These are really delicious and so simple to make. I almost guarantee that the kids won't mind sitting down to these before they head out for a busy night of trick or treating!

* French Bread Taco Pizzas*
Serves 6

You could make a salad to serve on the side if you really want to push the healthy supper envelope, but if your kids are anything like mine were, getting them to eat a salad along side of these on Halloween would have taken a miracle indeed! Bon Appetit!
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