Magic Chicken Pie

This is a delicious dish that I like to make every now and again. Todd really loves it, but then again he is somewhat of a pie man. I like to make my own pies and whilst this isn't like your traditional type of pie, it is still very satisfying and quite, quite tasty!

It uses a ready made baking mix. You can of course buy the store bought kind, but I tend to make my own and keep it on hand in the freezer. (I bring it to room temperature prior to using) I will give you the recipe for it below. It also uses a tin of condensed cream soup. You can also make that from scratch if it bothers you to use a tin, but as for me, I am not really bothered. The soup makes a delicious gravy for this and I like it. I'm not a tinned soup snob like some people are. It was something that I had as a child and it never killed me yet!

This chicken pie is so much easier than a convntional chicken pie. The ingredients are simply layered in a buttered casserole dish and baked. First on the bottom there is shredded cooked chicken, which gets topped by some minced onion and then some cheese . . .

Next comes a layer of vegetables. I always use a frozen mix, but you can cook fresh if you are not pressed for time. I like the country mix which has peas, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, but you use whatever is your favourite. I can't eat corn so I have to avoid any vegetable mix with corn in it.

The vegetables are topped with a batter that you make with the baking mix and then a mix of soup and stock is poured over all. You don't need to stir anything together. Just layer it and then pop it into the oven. About three quarters of an hour later and presto chango, just like magic you got a delicious chicken pie!

One good thing to note also is that this recipe can successfully be cut in half. Because there are only two of us I do that all the time and it works great. Cut in half it makes enough for us to enjoy together for one meal and then Todd enjoys the leftovers the day after.

Its really delicious, simple and easy to make. I hope you'll give it a go! We love it! All you need is a salad or something like a salad on the side!

*Magic Chicken Pie*
Serves 6 

This is so easy to make. I like to keep mine in the freezer, but you can keep it at room temperature for several months.
700g plain flour (5 cups, all purpose)
This makes a great midweek, family pleasing supper! Bon Appetit!
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