We Are Off - Again

Wheels are up and another adventure is about to begin. I really should make you guess what our final destination will be, but I don't think the photo will get you to the right continent, much less the right country. The time has come for me to check the zip-line off my bucket list, so, to that end, the Silver Fox and I are off to explore Costa Rica and look at some property while we are there. For most of the trip I'll have no internet access, so this will most likely be my last post until just before the Christmas holiday. The dish in the photo is Casado, or Comida Tipica, and I'm told it is the most popular dish in Costa Rica. It consists of beans, rice with finely diced mixture of red bell peppers and onions, fried plantains, a cabbage salad with tomato and carrot, plus your pick of grilled chicken, fish, pork, or steak with grilled onions. Some places also serve it with French fries and sliced avocados. It is served throughout the country in small restaurants that are called "sodas." The word casado means "married man," and probably alludes to the mating of rice and beans in the dish. You can tell at a glance that it is much like the rice bowls of other countries. It may not be pretty, but we are told it's tasty, so, dig in and enjoy it. Instructions for assembly can be found here.

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